Monday, July 9, 2012

Spice up your life!

I was out for a meal with my family last night and looking round the table at all my siblings it struck me how totally different we all are. I wondered how each of us could come from the same biological root and yet be so completely different. I'm so glad that God is Lord of our biology as well as everything else. Imagine if we were all the same, if we had no personalities to inspire, drive or motivate us. I'm so grateful for the highs and the lows the ebb and flow and the sheer variety of life, because each extreme heightens the experience  of the other. Wouldn't life be dull without the mix of humor, learning styles, values and thought processes we each hold. I love that different people come across our path throughout our lives and leave us changed...for the better.

These folks are like aromatic spices to our world. These people if they were a spice would put a kick in the humdrum rice of life. These are the folks who are such good fun you laugh till you pee your pants in their company. There are other 'spices' in our world who simply understand you; they can empathize on a level that soothes your soul. Then there are those who brighten, fragrance, and flavor your world. They add colour on a gray day, or a breath of fresh air when life feels stagnant and sweeten your heart when you're tempted to bitterness. 

The converse of this idea is the need for the rice, the need for the staple not so spicy carbs - which take some of the heat out of the spice and counteracts the intensity of a flavor. Each thing is needed to enhance the meal. We need rice and spice which one are you? Be encouraged you being you will compliment the other foods in the cooking pot of life...

love Ruth x

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