Monday, March 28, 2011

Don't put up with it...

For years I lived with chronic pain and popped paracetamol like smarties (not a good idea). I kind of thought the problem might go away or I was just being a big girls blouse and it was all in my head... And the paracetamol took the edge off enough to allow me to carry on as normal. So I put up with this for a number of years till the pain became constant and I was forced to see my doctor. After some surgery I am now pain free completely and wonder why I put up with it for so long!

Do you know we can put up with many different types of spiritual pain in our lives too. Perhaps you are unfulfilled or putting up with a circumstance in your life which you know is not God glorifying. Precious sister I didn't much enjoy the surgery at the time but I feel so much better now that I wish I dealt it sooner.

Is there something holding you back that deep down you know you really need to deal with? Beloved of the Lord...This is your day make a plan and don't be held back any longer

Love Ruth x

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ordinariness the greatest thing that I posess!

Most of the time we walk out this thing called salvation in a very ordinary way. We still have to eat, sleep, love, cry, laugh and yes work through those thorny issues of life within the very ordinary worlds we inhabit. I wonder which is the main frame picture of you world today? Are you a wee mummy up to your eyes in split yogurt and longing for undisturbed sleep, or perhaps you are a student feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work and lack of money. Maybe you are missing someone terribly or feeling trapped in circumstance. Or perhaps you're just plain bored...? Yup..! Life is pretty ordinary most of the time. But I want to encourage you today, Jesus didn't hang out with the 'beautiful people' or the especially gifted. Nope He hung out with people like me and you... very ordinary people. Even when Jesus did miracles they were performed in very ordinary situations.

Perhaps we need to embrace the ordinariness of life to the best of our ability, knowing it is in the middle of ordinary people and circumstance that Our extra ordinary God is most glorified.

love Ruth x

Monday, March 14, 2011

Duvet Days ROCK...!

When was the last time you stayed in your Jammies just for the fun of it? It's good to take a duvet day once in a while and snuggle up in a comfy place. God created snuggling did you know that? He tells us that we can snuggle under His mighty wings and be still and know that He loves us and He is Lord in all circumstances.

God delights in you, He longs to spend time with you, to sing love songs over you and refresh your spirit. Could you do with any of the above?

Perhaps a duvet day might do you a power of good, why not schedule one in as a gift to yourself this month.

Love Ruth x

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring has sprung...

Winter isn't associated with life much is it?... But we know during winter plants are getting the rest they need and nourishment deep in the unseen area of their roots. Just like nature we can go through winter seasons in this journey called life too...I don't know about you but I like to hibernate when the atmosphere feels cold or the environment hostile - Psalm 57 v 1 says, " Be merciful to me O God have mercy on me, for in you my soul take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the present calamities have passed by". Perhaps you've been in a winter place and aren't seeing much growth... but even when you can't see growth the fact is there is life below the surface.

Today in Norfolk the sun is out, the birds are singing, daffodils are opening and it really feels like spring has sprung! If you've been in a winter season know your fruit will come at the right time, relax and allow God to nourish you in the hidden place so that when the times right you burst forth and give Him glory...

love Ruth x