Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Some days it just hurts to be Human

The picture above is a monument to five people who were killed by a terrorist bomb in Florence in 1993. It shows a man striding forward into the future carrying five other's one for each person who died. It is 20 metres up in the air on the back of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy and is called I Passi d`Oro (The golden Strides). I think it's rather beautiful. We live in a world full of evil and full of good. Perhaps like me you have days when it feels like you're treading on tip toe through the shattered glass of our broken world. It hurts to be human on these days. It can feel overwhelming when we're swamped by images of injustice or senseless wounding. Or it's closer to home and careless words or thoughtless actions batter our vulnerable hearts. Yes it's hard to wrestle through life on days like these.

And then... we catch something of a whisper as light breaks through the ash and smoke. We receive some kindness, we feel the fingers of the one who holds us as we stand in the palm. We remember that we are not alone. We remember that there is one who will (Rev 7:17) 'wipe every tear from our eyes' and nurse the wounds of our souls back to full health. For it's on these days we understand a little bit better what is says in John 16:33 - even though trouble is certain Our Christ has overcome the world and because He has overcome we can too. We can rise above the moment and be a beacon of victorious hope to those coming after. If you're 'feeling your humaness' today please know God sees and He cares. He is loving and good no matter how it seems and He is the answer to your pain. I pray you will allow Him to remind you of your hope...

Hugs Ruth x 


  1. What a lovely post. Speaking of the gentle but fierce love of God. Thank you.
