Monday, July 29, 2013

Jesus uses introverts too!

This is not an extrovert or an introvert it's just a cute monkey!

There are many conferences going on over the summer and it's a wonderful thing for tens of thousands of people in our nation to come together to seek God and worship Him. I love conferences they are a great way to spiritually recharge, inspire vision and build relationship. We are so very blessed to live in a time of excellent communicators, sophisticated music and the freedom to gather. I am aware however that there are those folks for whom such a huge gathering would be a trial. Those who need solitude to reflect, to deeply process and internalise before they become operational. I've had a growing sense over the last ten years or so that  - high octane pumped preaching for many, equates to being full of the Holy Spirit and 'on fire' with the plans and purposes of God. Perhaps this unspoken attitude is a throw back to the power dressing, dog eat dog attitude of the 90's but somehow we have seen extroversion as good and introversion as bad. 

This is a problem for me for I am sensitive and was brought up not to shout to be heard. I'm easily intimidated, and flourish where I feel safeI'm not a great visionary but admire those who are. I like to fill in the beauty the detail - I like to ponder on the mystery of God as I watch a sunset or cuddle a new born. Perhaps you can empathise? At times I've tried to 'be' what I thought a good Christian was then wondered why it has led to frustration and emptiness. One time I was lamenting my temperament to the Lord and He showed me a couple of things
  1. Pressing through timidity, fear and self doubt is part of His plan to develop my character.
  2. My weakness is a strength to the body in that I will pick up on the hurt, lost and lonely in a crowd.
  3. People like me flesh out the vision of others - cushioning the steel frame with the softness of Christ.
We only have to look at history to see the pendulum of extremes in human values. Perhaps the trend for introverts is on the increase as their contribution to the kingdom is recognised. But the truth is we love and serve a God who values us all and has a job for us in the building of the bride - it doesn't matter if you're on the steel team or soft furnishing just build with all you are to the glory of God. 

Hugs Ruth x


  1. Agree, Ruth, I love silence and solitude and have often felt on the sidelines of church. But God has deepened my prayer life which will hopefully bless others. Thanks for the encouragement. xx

    1. Thanks for getting in touch Keren glad it encouraged Hugs Ruth x
