Monday, June 24, 2013

What behind your Sofa?

I don't know about you but my sofas over the years has been known to hide things like a stain on the wall or the carpet. My sofas have found new purposes, uses for which they are not intended like becoming reservoirs for our loose change, biscuit wrappers and worse... In Buffalo USA , in 2010 a family found that an old painting tucked behind their couch was worth an estimated $300 million dollars. The painting a Michelangelo, belonged to the Kober family who had put it behind their sofa after it had been knocked off the wall with a tennis ball some 27yrs before isn't that a hoot! 
On first finding it they thought it was probably a copy and weren't too bothered. But then the Dad of the family retired and as a new hobby started to trace the family tree. It was while tracing through the family history retired Lt. Col. Kober realised it might be an actual unfinished work. The painting ‘The Lost Pieta’ which was authenticated by art historian Anthony Forcellino is now in a bank vault.
How often we overlook the true value of something because it’s familiar or out of sight. This painting is still out of sight in a bank vault somewhere but its value has been realised and changed the lives of the Kober family forever. We all have less obvious things in our lives that perhaps we need to look at with a fresh sense of appreciation. Just for fun why not go run your hand under the cushions of you sofa - let me know what you find!

Hugs Ruth x

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