Monday, February 18, 2013

Invest in the Best!

Flip me how things have changed... We've gone from spend spend spend - to save save save! We have learned the hard way, credit cards, buy now pay later, and get rich quick schemes were not our friends. Budgeting, planning and waiting (the dull unglamorous friends) are now very much back in favour. You see what some consider bland, things like reality, truth, wisdom, self control or responsibility these things are enduring lasting way beyond momentary pleasure. They may not be very sexy or even mildly thrilling, however if life is to work they are necessary. But let's think beyond the Ka-ching, Ka-ching for second and get skiddingly, on one wheel rubber scorching and smoke billowingly to the point. What are we investing our energy money and time in? 

Matthew 6:19-21 Message -says 'Don't hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten and corroded by rust or worse - stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where where it's safe from moth rust and burglars. It's obvious,isn't it? Where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be...'. The economy of heaven has it's greatest value in the unseen. The take away menu and money popped through the letter box of an exhausted working mother. The lifts given week in week out to an elderly person, the quality time given when time was tight and the prayers solely to another's benefit. The drawing along side the obnoxious teen and loving of the unlovely. The sacrifice of small and large unseen acts all add up! Jesus was no man's debtor, He worked hard and paid His way but the greatest investments He made where and still are - in the growth of people. Don't underestimate the impact of your investment in another person's life for believe me, that's the best investment you'll ever make.

Love Ruth x

(Photo courtesy of


  1. Good message, and I like your writing style.

  2. Thanks. A great reminder to stay focused on what really matters :)

  3. Investing in the things that really matter is so important yet often neglected. Thanks for the reminder, Ruth. :)
