So yesterday was mothering Sunday. For many it will have been a wonderful affirming fun filled time - Praise God..! But for many others it will have been a day of disappointment. For those who've lost children through death or rebellion, for those who have been unable to conceive - Mothering Sunday can be a difficult day. Disappointment is a fact of life, things often don't go to our game plan... Life has a way of testing the core of who we really are. What do we do with that as followers of Christ?
Firstly I think it's important we acknowledge the pain of disappointment, to find comfort and love, but then we need to find meaning in our pain. I believe that when hurt and sadness come into our world we can choose to wallow or we can choose to find a purpose in the pain. If we humble ourselves and invite the Holy Spirit into the mix productivity can be found as we surrender. Like labor surrendering to God in times of bitter disappointment really hurts, but when the process is over, something is produced on the inside in our character. Further to this is the importance of not putting down roots in the place of our disappointment because when we focus on the one thing we don't have we miss all the many blessings we do have!
Perhaps you are struggling with broken dreams today. Beloved child of God, trust me He sees and He cares, tell Him all about it... Give Him your disappointment then choose, choose to bring as much life into the other bits of the world that you can. We have a dear friend who couldn't be a biological mum, but this amazing woman who's now in her late 60's has adopted 7 children and foster cared 48 others. You should see Christmas in her home when they all come back! I am inspired and humbled by people like this who have been terribly disappointed but have chosen to carry on and simply give out of their place of pain. So to you women who are spiritual mother's, to you women who've lost children, to those of you who's dreams have been shattered as you've watched your precious child self destruct - to you I salute and Bless you in the name of Jesus this day...
Love Ruth x
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