Oh yeah there's something wonderful when us girls go shopping and find the 'perfect' thing which is exactly what we totally needed in the right size, colour and fabric and then joy of joys to take it to the till and find out it costs less than you thought it's kinda like a wee slice of Heaven here on earth... Yep, we all love a bargain! In following Jesus we have the ultimate bargain it is priceless in value in fact it is so expensive you can't buy it - but here's the wonder you can have it it's a gift totally free - Now that's a bargain!
Jesus stepped into time to make a way for each one of us to have a relationship with God in all the fullness and wonder that, that is. If we want it we can have the greatest deal of our lives eternal life with the one person who loves and understands us better than we do ourselves. We have the choice guys, to take up this gift open the box unfurl the tissue paper and be blessed... Eternal wonderful love filled life or not - its a bit of a no brainer isn't it... Even in the midst of painful times I'm enjoying the life Jesus died to give me how about you?
Love Ruth x
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