I’ve been
pondering this for a while now and God’s been showing me a few things; like…
When we’re
honest in our vulnerability we’re not a threat, when we’re vulnerable we
release other’s to fully ‘be’ all that they are. When we’re vulnerable in
honest truth we touch a God given core in each human soul because everyone has their weak spot! When I look at the viewing numbers on my blog there’s
usually fifty or so who read it but in uncovering the whole topic of the deep
sadness there where hundreds who read and I hope where encouraged.
Maybe by
setting down our shields of protection we can draw out the softer warmer,
gentler side of human nature. Perhaps by being less paranoid and suspicious we
can see past the prickles (and we all have ‘em) to the tender heart. I believe
God is calling me to practice a new aspect of faith – the faith to be vulnerable and
to trust that vulnerability into His mighty hands. And Just in case I wobble in
my vulnerability… John 10:28 reminds me there ain’t nobody who can snatch me out
of His hand!
Go on praise
God with a little dance – jiggle it BABY!
Hugs Ruth
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