Tuesday, December 10, 2013

You are probably more generous than you think!

Last week the actor Paul Walker probably best known for his role in the ‘Fast and Furious’ films died in a car crash. Something few people know about this guy happened in 2004. A young couple Kyle and Kirstin Upham where in a shopping mall in Santa Barbara looking at engagement rings. They had seen one Kirstin really liked but it was very expensive and so were discussing this. Unknown to them Paul Walker was eavesdropping on their conversation. He bought the $9000 Dollar ring and gave the sales assistant instructions to give the couple the ring slipping away before they could see who’d been so incredibly generous. What happened has only come to light after his untimely death. The account touched me because Paul Walker just wanted to bless without glory. There’s something which stirs in my soul when I hear such stories, like deeds of light in the shadows of ordinariness. I believe there are so many ways to be generous and most of them don’t require a big bank account.

We can give a gentle answer when someone is all in our face. We can hold a hand and just be in the moment of another’s pain. We can encourage and bring hope into situations of exhaustion and defeat rallying another’s inner faith.  We can make time to listen and cultivate an attentive ear so other's know the value of their story. We can choose to be slow to speak, giving careful consideration to our words as James 1: 19 encourages us. We can serve the dreams of other’s reminding them of their goal when the road gets tough. We can choose a beautiful attitude in the mist of ugly and hurtful people. We can cut ourselves and others slack when they mess up and we can wait when we least want to. When I think of the character I know I need to do these things, it feels easier just to get my cash card out. 

So how generous are you?

With God’s help I’m getting better….

Hugs Ruth

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The power of Vulnerability

I don’t like being vulnerable. I really mean it; I don’t do the whole vulnerability thing well at all.  A few weeks ago I shared a very personal testimony about my walk through depression to subsequent freedom. I have to confess for me this was a difficult thing to do. Firstly not very many people were aware of my battle with the deep sadness apart from a couple of very close friends. At the time of posting I wondered what people would think, particularly those who only know the Pollyanna me. The pretend me who smiled and tried really hard to be a ray of sunshine despite inner turmoil. I wondered would they feel deceived or mislead and if it would it cost me friendships? Secondly I grew up in an environment where people have ‘real problems’ for goodness sake and so I wondered if my family would roll their eyes in misunderstanding! Thirdly I know there are some folks out there who for their own reasons, dislike me and I felt it might fodder ammunition.

I’ve been pondering this for a while now and God’s been showing me a few things; like…
When we’re honest in our vulnerability we’re not a threat, when we’re vulnerable we release other’s to fully ‘be’ all that they are. When we’re vulnerable in honest truth we touch a God given core in each human soul because everyone has their weak spot! When I look at the viewing numbers on my blog there’s usually fifty or so who read it but in uncovering the whole topic of the deep sadness there where hundreds who read and I hope where encouraged. 

Maybe by setting down our shields of protection we can draw out the softer warmer, gentler side of human nature. Perhaps by being less paranoid and suspicious we can see past the prickles (and we all have ‘em) to the tender heart. I believe God is calling me to practice a new aspect of faith – the faith to be vulnerable and to trust that vulnerability into His mighty hands. And Just in case I wobble in my vulnerability… John 10:28 reminds me there ain’t nobody who can snatch me out of His hand!

Go on praise God with a little dance – jiggle it BABY!

Hugs Ruth