When I moved to London 20yrs ago I had the opportunity of
going to ‘speaker’s corner’ which is a place beside Hyde Park where anyone can
go stand on a soap box and speak about anything and everything. I watched these
two men debate; one was an atheist and one was a theologian. It was very
interesting, a bit like a verbal fencing bout.
But I got bored of their parrying not because it wasn't interesting to
some extent but because there was no engagement of heart.
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed ‘theologically’ but I
do have the privilege of hearing some great bible teachers and they just blow
me away with their insight and cleverness. The difference with these guys is they enable
a connection between the word of God and my heart. This causes an effect on how
I do life. Someone once said ‘trying to connect with God through the mind alone
is like trying to put a 3 pin plug in a 2 pin whole – it won’t work because connection
with God essentially happens through the heart ‘.
Are you connecting
with both you mind and your heart?
Hugs Ruth x
Hugs Ruth x