Monday, February 4, 2013

I’m assuming the best of you!

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Oh how easy it is to be misunderstood… Have you ever made a joke or done something where your motives were totally misjudged? I made a joke recently which was misunderstood and offense was taken through a wrong assumption about the intention of my heart. I was reminded to my shame, of times when I have also made wrong assumptions of others. Psychology terms phenomenon - projection, where we project how we’re feeling into what we think are the intentions of another and filter what we feel/see through that lens. So for example a mother might see her child through a lens of pure love and be unable to accept the truth of wrong behaviour in her offspring. Or a person might assume malice in the actions of a perceived nemesis where there is none at all. The problem is if we assume we can know another’s person intention we’ll come a cropper because only God can see us from the inside of who we are.  I wonder how much unnecessary upset happens because of wrong assumptions? 

We are all made in the image and likeness of God but when we make assumptions about another person to some extent we devalue them and elevate ourselves. Pride - the flaw of all humanity seeps into our thinking and encourages the idea that we have the right to challenge the position of God as Judge… not a good move eh? Mathew 7 reminds us of our potential to get what we think we know very wrong. A further risk of this thinking is found in the obscuring nature assumptions have, in that they cloud the valuable life lessons God would teach us. I’ve found more often than not when I feel the twang of offense in my Spirit God is challenging me to grow in an aspect of my character such as grace. We have the wonderful give of free will and it’s useful to remember this when we’re either tempted to take offense or make assumptions. Simply put we can choose our response – we can get upset, think the worst of the other party, have a prima ballerina moment and flounce or we can be open to the Holy Spirit’s instruction and allow whatever is going on to press us closer to our loving God and grow. 

Beloved let’s try and be mature Christians who assume the best of other’s until proven otherwise. Taking this position turns what our enemy wants to use to cause destruction into something which will helps us mature in Christ.

Have a great week – you really are wonderful..! (the bible says so Psalm 139:14)

Hugs Ruth x

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