child is fair of face, Tuesday’s child is full of grace Wednesday’s child - bla
bla, bla bla - let’s talk Monday’s! The first day of the week, the start of
whatever lies ahead, the road map where details like hills and valleys are yet
to be painted. Monday can be synonymous with potential life and purpose, with
carpe` diem and the seizure thereof. It
can be the day for self-motivation in which you kick start your own butt into
action and out of the sleepy weekend wind down. Monday can be the day when you
evaluate the previous week and measure how far along your hopes and dreams you
have come.
Monday’s a day for getting the stuff of life off the shelf and in play… it's pregnant with possibility and ripe with purpose. It can be the day where you put a plan to your thoughts or put action to your plans. Gen 1:4-5 tells
us the days are good!!! Listen to this ‘And God, looking on the light, saw that it was good and God made a
division between the light and the dark, naming the light, Day and the dark,
Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the First Day’.
You see Monday’s remind me that we get a
fresh start not only that but we have the time and space during the coming week to work out our fresh
attempts at life with God’s help. Each Monday we get a brand spanking new, let's look forward, God's in our corner and on our side start. Be assured your Father who has the big picture and isn't limited inside of time like we are, well that guy the one who melts with love for you every time you think of Him, He’s the one who orders your steps and lights your path… Isn't it good to know we’re not on our own whatever
the week holds? Peeps be encouraged whatever unfolds in this week we’re held in the hands of the one who keeps the moon solar
systems in place. So shimmy to the shower or boogie with your breakfast and embrace the gift Monday is...
Have a fantabulous week baby!
Love Ruth x