Monday, November 19, 2012

So What Does Normal Look Like?

 I was talking with someone recently and she mentioned how she just wanted to be 'normal' which kinda made me grin because I'm not sure normal can be defined. One person may feel it is perfectly lovely to mix twigglets and custard for breakfast, another might feel screaming at the TV is standard practice. And actually I'm now I'm thinking about it you should know I have great theological discussions with my dog Max - hey he understands me, what's not to like?

You see none of us approach life objectively, we are shaped by our life's experience, our culture and social background.We all have our quirks and idiosyncrasies which make us who we are. What's A typical is constantly adjusting. Traditional pictures of for example the family unit are adapting; people migrate for work, families change and to coin a phrase friends become the families we choose for ourselves. What was normal in one generation shape shifts and changes for the next. While it can be helpful to approach what we think of as normal with this in mind, it's also important to hold on to the cornerstone of what is unchanging - Jesus Christ. He is the only one who sees life from every angle. Jesus is the only one who is qualified to judge our hearts and minds. He alone is able to balance the juxtaposition of His all knowing insight with our ever changing understanding of 'normality'. 

I love that Jesus stepped into time and challenged the accepted 'norms' of the day. It was not normal for a Rabbi to hang out with tax collectors and hookers. It wasn't normal to involve women in ministry or show compassion but Jesus did because His 'normality' was rooted in Heaven's norm - the will of the Father. His personality was that of the Father in fact He said in John 8 'if you want to know my Father look at me'.

Peeps keep it simple... you are fearfully and wonderfully made, be the best you you can be to the glory of God and let Him define your normality.

hugs Ruth x

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