Monday, August 13, 2012

Believing is Seeing

Another wonderful Irish person penned the words 'I still haven't found what I'm looking for' when considering the meaning to life. A big question you might think, but is it, is it really?
I often think some of what we consider the big issues are only complex because we make them so. We look in the wrong place for answers and so never find them. I love rainbows I always have, as a child I'd run outside on sunny / rainy days to look for them (actually I still do!). Rainbows carry with them a universal sense of hope - that there is more yet to come; sunshine after rain, good times after pain. The thing about rainbows however, is in some sense they're not really there; it is just a reflection of light particles as they filter through water vapour. 

So let me ask you a question... is there such a thing as a rainbow? Most people would know what a rainbow is if you asked them yet it can be rationalised away. The converse of this can be applied I think to God. Most of us would agree we can't see God, yet he's there. We can feel His presence and see the outcome of impossible situations being possible in the miraculous and when we really stop and truthfully take stock there's something inside a spiritual consciousness that causes our hearts to yearn for the more than this(ness) of life... So really what I'm trying to say is where you focus will determien what you see. Are you focusing on your spirit or only on what you can rationalise? I've found God works often in the opposite to the world. If you want to be a leader learn to serve, if you want to have stuff, give stuff away. My wonderfully wise husband once pointed out believing is seeing.

Folks why not keep life simple, focus on knowing Jesus more and all those deep theological and unanswered questions will be eclisped by your heart rather than your head.

Big Hugs Ruth x

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