Wind is an important dynamic in the natural (and no I'm not talking the bottom burp type!)... I'm talking about the thing that moves turbines and dries your sheets, the thing that gives you goose bumps and strikes fear into those guys with comb over hair. Wind can be harnessed to move yachts at great speeds and kites to soar giving hours of fun. Wind can't be seen - yet we know its there because we can see the effect it has upon the physical realm. Wind causes trees to put their roots down deep to anchor themselves and wind can cause vast changes to the landscape moving huge obstacles in its path. Wind promotes evaporation and wind can restore atmospheric balance. Without wind there is stagnation...
So what's your point Ruth? well it this - Life is ever changing it's continually in a state of flux. I look at those who follow the teachings of Jesus (ordinary peeps like me and maybe you) and I see how we need the Holy Spirit to keep us flexible and awake. If we permit Him, The Holy Spirit will and blow on our lives, He'll use the winds of change to shape and strengthen us. He'll bring balance into the areas where we're wobbly and evaporate the fog which so easily obscures the truth of God's word. Are feeling the rush of wind in your world or crusty stagnation cause you've not moved your position for so long?
Lets step outside - throw wide our arms and enjoy the richness of the Holy Spirit as He blows the dust and cobwebs off and releases the change in us we need.
Love Ruth x