Psychology has found evidence to show friendship groups are the new family. So those we do life with have significance in shaping our well being, sense of self; in short our world. I wonder whom do you go to when you need good advice (you know the sort that's truthful) even if it's not what you wanna hear? Who celebrates your successes and feels your pain in your failures? Who makes you laugh till you pee your pants? God has created us to be inter-relational we are social creatures and having friends is a blessing. The thing is friendships are like gardens they require input to make them flourish. If you want to have good friends be a good friend... take an interest in those you do life with. Follow up on significant events, send a little card, or a silly item just to brighten their day. You see we all need occasional reassurance that 'we're ok' and it's the little things like this which are ways of reinforcing friendship love.
Friendships are also seasonal. You may find close friendship with those in your university / just left home group and while you're all in a new situation these friendships can be intense. Then once life moves on those friendship pettier out. This is normal - friendships are fluid... I like to think of my life like a tapestry in progress with the people I meet as treads and special friends who've been a blessing to me as golden threads. They reflect the very best friend of all Jesus Christ... and yes He shares all of the above characteristics with me (did you know God's gotta great sense of humor?)
Do you have a golden thread in your life? why not drop them a line and remind them their friendship has blessed your world...
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