I love the Disney cartoon the 'Aristocats' in it there's two hound dogs who are always set on their next hunt. One is an old dog whose power of smell no longer functions and the other is a young dog who makes up for his lack of experience with enthusiasm. As they launch into yet another chase the older one, still keen to assert his seniority drawls "I'm the leader"! they're hilarious and very endearing... The thing is leader's aren't defined by a title or what they say, they're not defined by their popularity or intellect. Leader's are defined by what they do.
In the Book of Samuel we can read how God is much more interested in Saul's heart attitude than what he says. God wants to know when the rubber hits the road are we going to obey His word, His lead or do things our way? I know I'm tempted to compromise what I know are God's standards all the time. I need God to develop my character to a point where I'm more like an obedient sheep dog than our lovable hound dogs. I need to say with everything in me THY WILL be done and mean it! Because He wants the very best for each one of us God makes His standards, His leadership clear in His word. He doesn't compromise on sin and He leads us in His way, which keeps us in His truth, which brings forth life into our lives. Ask yourself ~ who's the leader.... me or God?
Love Ruth x
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
When you don't know what to do!
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So you're paddling along the stream of life - busy negotiating such rapids as your job, possibly children, ironing, fixing the dishwasher, church stuff, exercise, relationships, sleep, cleaning and the rest... in short the stuff of life we've all gotta do but hey you're a W.O.M.A.N... as the songs says! However what do you do when you're there in you're canoe and something gets thrown in to the mix that feels completely beyond you? Something that is so huge even the stream stops flowing!
First thing to do is step back take a deep breath and remember God knew this was gonna happen. Nothing ever surprises Him...Park the canoe and go and find a quiet place to be with the one who loves you the most. Focus on Him not the issue (when you have a big God you have small problems but when you're perception of God is small you're problems will seem huge). Speak out loud the truth of God's word... here's 1 of my Fav's - Psalm18 'I love you oh Lord my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress [strong safe place] and my deliver [answer]: my God is my rock, in whom I can take refuge. He is my shield [protection] and the strength of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I am saved'. I love that simply calling out to Jesus in our time of need opens up pathways of power for the very best solution to be found. Praise God He has given us a brain and we need to use it. What does the bible say about the issue? What will bring life? and what are the motives of your heart, are they grounded in love?
More often than not it really is simple ... Just do the next right thing!
love Ruth x
Monday, April 16, 2012
You've Gotta Friend..!

Psychology has found evidence to show friendship groups are the new family. So those we do life with have significance in shaping our well being, sense of self; in short our world. I wonder whom do you go to when you need good advice (you know the sort that's truthful) even if it's not what you wanna hear? Who celebrates your successes and feels your pain in your failures? Who makes you laugh till you pee your pants? God has created us to be inter-relational we are social creatures and having friends is a blessing. The thing is friendships are like gardens they require input to make them flourish. If you want to have good friends be a good friend... take an interest in those you do life with. Follow up on significant events, send a little card, or a silly item just to brighten their day. You see we all need occasional reassurance that 'we're ok' and it's the little things like this which are ways of reinforcing friendship love.
Friendships are also seasonal. You may find close friendship with those in your university / just left home group and while you're all in a new situation these friendships can be intense. Then once life moves on those friendship pettier out. This is normal - friendships are fluid... I like to think of my life like a tapestry in progress with the people I meet as treads and special friends who've been a blessing to me as golden threads. They reflect the very best friend of all Jesus Christ... and yes He shares all of the above characteristics with me (did you know God's gotta great sense of humor?)
Do you have a golden thread in your life? why not drop them a line and remind them their friendship has blessed your world...
Monday, April 9, 2012
Bank - Holiday

Ahhh... Yeah... A bank holiday Monday! In the UK that usually means a wet and cold day where you either try and catch up on the laundry, gardening or guilt moves you to do the latest attractions with the kids... My problem is that I'm not good at planning ahead. What I've learned is the fun rarely happens spontaneously, you've got to invest some thought and forward planning to get the most out of a day off. I've learned to keep a 'bank' of wet day options in my noggin so they're there to draw from when wet day boredom looms. One of my fav's is making a fort with the living room furniture another is a mucky walk with a prize going to the one who splashes the hugest splash followed by cheese on toast in front of a fire...
It's good to keep a spiritual 'bank' too because life will also have many spiritually wet days. Days which feel dull and empty and you don't really know how to fill them to the glory of God. We do life in ordinariness but the Holy Spirit can be our inspiration, our ideas person, the catalyst for turning a wet day into a tropical holiday where the rug in the front room becomes a magic carpet! With the Holy Spirit in the mix the uninteresting can become wonderful but just like children it may require creative and open minded thinking. So how do we invest in our spiritual bank account? The good news is it's simple... write stuff down, journal God's past faithfulness, His thoughts and prophetic words to you so you can go back and remind yourself. Highlight and date scripture to make it easier to find when your feeling dull and stay around other believer's who'll not only help keep you sharp and real but if you're really lucky might stomp around in a few puddles with you just for fun!
love Ruth x
Monday, April 2, 2012
Easter Saturday's where we're at...

Now think for a moment about how things must have seemed to those in the mortal realm... It perhaps appeared Jesus had accomplished nothing that he was dead and that was final. Beloved God ALWAYS has the final say... nothing is over until He says so. Perhaps there's a situation in your world which appears to be final beyond hope? Be encouraged today just like Easter Saturday things are rarely as the appear...Your God has matter's in hand He's sees and is at work hold on the promise of the resurrection... for joy will come in the morning!
Happy Easter
hugs Ruth x
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