Monday, December 17, 2012

Finding Life in Limbo

I've been asked to preach on the 30th of December which is a funny old time to speak I think because Christmas has been and gone and new year hasn't arrived. I always think the week after Christmas can be a  non-time, a sort of limbo. Do you know what I mean? Times when you're just hanging about - like waiting for trains, planes or automobiles. Times when you can't start a project  but you want to fill the gap with something. Times when there is no protocol for what to do or any clear role for you to play. Life in these middle bits, can feel like a waste of time but I'm not sure that's necessarily the case.

Jehovah Shammah is one of the names God uses for Himself and it means the Lord who is there present in every moment. John 10:10 promises where God is there is life abundantly for us. So as Christ lives in us and He is the source of all life itself perhaps times of limbo can be a place of new experience, even growth. I guess this is dependent on how we respond when we find ourselves with no clear role and nuthin to do! My Mum used to say only boring people get bored. Often when our routine is on hold there are less distractions and we can take time to think and plan. We can connect with God and evaluate where we're at in the relationship of our lives. God is always present in the moment He is the ‘I AM’ steady faithful and unchanging yet adaptable and flexible to work within our mess for His glory. Perhaps the absence of routine could afford flexibility for God to help us see new ideas, new possibilities or new direction as we ponder in the wait. 

If you find yourself at a loose end over the Christmas holiday why not ask God who lives in you to show you life in your limbo.

hugs Ruth x 

( my blog will be back in January have a great Christmas!)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lesson in love from a black Lab...

This is my dog Max, he's a surrogate child really and often get called names of affection like Maxi Maxamus or Maxi Moo Moo depending on how bereft of little children I feel (now being the mother of teenagers!) Max has an enormous appetite, he doesn't eat till he's full he'll eat till he's too tired to eat any more - actually that's a bit like my teenage son...
Max's love for me is exuberant and unconditional. If I get up he follows, if I sit down he lies at my feet, if I tell him to do something he gets on and does it. Max trusts that he is safe in my care and allows me to inspect an injured paw even when it hurts. If he's sick Max knows I'll look after him because he belongs to me. When our Kids dress him up in their clothes or wrestle with him, Max knows he's part of our family and joins in this daftness with the gusto that is the family Tong!

I wonder can we learn something from Max? What do we have an appetite for - our own will or God's? I find I usually loose my appetite because I've been filling up on rubbish and haven't taken the time to cook then savour my food. This is easy to do over the holidays when routines change, T.V.'s good and the house is busy. There are parallels between this and the spirit realm. When we take time to feed on the word of God, when we talk about it, pull it apart and find meaning in it, we develop a God hunger our appetite increases and we find ourselves wanting more. We find a new appreciation for the bible study or worship some one's prepared and set before us, it nourishes and blesses.

But back to Max... Do we follow our master's voice obediently getting on with what we're told to do? I see folks all the time who want to follow God without obeying His game plan; their lives are one train crash after another. This is so sad because God only wants us to do life His way for our protection and good. Do we go where He leads do we enjoy sitting at His feet, spending time with Him? There are so many ways to connect, through music, sermons, pod casts, fabulous blogs! However you seek to develop in your relationship with God doesn't matter what matter's is that you find someway of connecting which works for you.  Do you trust your Master even when life hurts? Do you know God will look after you, He will never abandon you. Do you know you are part of a huge wonderfully wacky family, the family of believers? Can I encourage you to join in with gusto into their antics don't play it safe - Max doesn't. 

love Ruth x

Monday, December 3, 2012

Feeling the fear - here's how I got on!

Well gang I left you with a cliff hanger last week didn't I? We were thinking about pressing through our fear and being a wee bit bolder. Which reminds me of a line from a brill kids song, 'if Jesus is de rock we should be a little boulder' - hee hee! Well after last weeks blog I thought I'd better actually think of something to step out in faith with now that I've committed myself on paper (albeit it the cyber variety). You know guys, one of the things about tapping away on your keyboard in your study is - you never know if anyone actually reads the stuff you write. There's an anonymity and an innocence to it really. My heart as a writer is  to bring the truth and encouragement of Christ into your world but something happened on a personal level which I really didn't expect.

For those of you who don't know I have battled with childhood abuse, depression, cancer and more and my ever faithful God has been with me through it all. We have danced and still do when a new level of victory is reached. So I know to some extent what it is to war and press through in the spirit (I love Eph 6)! Well the week started and I'm thinking right shall I do this or would that be better? Did a couple of things that took me out of my comfort zone but that's kinda where I live anyways so this wasn't a huge deal. Then wham... something happened mid week and as a result I found myself almost winded by a spirit of hopelessness and fear. I was blindsided and fighting for spiritual breath, ever been there? I wrestled until Saturday when I had the bright idea of calling a dear friend and asking for prayer. I'm warrior but one of my weaknesses is that I find it really hard to ask for help and don't like to burden other people. God reminded me of the power of two or more standing together in prayer - my perspective was lifted, my heart was stilled and reminded of the Truth that God was, is and always will be totally in control. I'm pleased to say from this position of 'remindment' and in His graciousness, on Sunday God did allow me to experience a situation which did scare me a little but after confronting it I felt empowered, encouraged and a little bit stronger... In our weakness His is our Big Beautiful and Ever Faithful God. 

Hugs Ruth x