There a very few things in life which are constant, fixed or unchanging. Most stuff... experiences, relationships are adaptive in nature, like shifting sand or waves upon the shore. And this is cool - we're designed to be flexible, we see the changes we negotiate the new. Like the game we've all played at the beach - jumping over each new wave just as it races towards you. The predictable aspects of life, the ones we see, and jump over these are easy. Our relationship with God however can be a bit less predicable. I Love the Lord with all my heart, I really do... but there are days when I don't feel as 'zippy-do-dah ' as I'd like to. God undoubtedly deserves my best but my best will Ebb and Flow in line with where I'm at in a given point in time. So perhaps our goal is doing the best we can in the moment in which we find ourselves.
The fact is - this mysterious relationship between us who are, carnal, flawed and amazingly inconstant is with The Divine, all loving, all knowing, all good God who is perfect in consistency - yet unseen. The wonder is that just like rhythms of waves upon the shore, God works around our ebb and our flow. He knows how to get the best out of what He's made (Me and you)! Maturity in spirit is seen in those who get on with what God's called them to do regardless of feeling the swell or crest because they know - tides will come in and go out but - God will have His perfect way in the end and we get to be part of that...
Don't stand on the shore any longer - who you are is good enough... get your trousers rolled up and jump - it's great fun!