Monday, February 27, 2012

Shame game...

We've all been there or perhaps you're there today? Shame's goal is to cause division, to make us shy away from the very One who can bring life into the situation. Shame isn't about your most embarrassing moment and boy do we all have a few of those? No shame (like any weapon the enemy uses) seeks to make us shrink and wither on the inside of who we are. Shame isolates you so that the counter truth we get from God's word and other believers is taken out or distanced from our world. This then leaves our mind unguarded to the lies the enemy. Beloved precious child of God sometimes shame can highlight pride in us too - flippin typical of the way the enemy places us in a no win situation!

BUT the truth is in Christ we are more than conquerors, we are always in a win -win position. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus we are justified forevermore not only when we think we've got our act together. Yes we are being sanctified and are meant to help God in that process by doing life in line with His word, but girlfriend God is a realist - He knows we'll mess up from time to time which is why we have grace... So if shame has placed a bag over your head - go to God confess your sin then be free - because in Christ we can scorn shame!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Danger Woman Rushing!

Doh...! The last 2 weeks have been pretty manic in my world. I had a sermon to write and give, two kids who are mess magnets I know what I should do but it's easier just to clean up myself. I had pastoral 'stuff', a Labrador who is lovely but needs exercised and when he doesn't get enough empties the contents of the bin all over the floor. I had meetings to attend, rotas to email, work on my new book to do, grocery shopping - It's very quiet in the supermarket at 10:30pm! I had to put up 6 of the Watoto choir (which was a total blessing) and an essay to write for a theology course I'm doing...

Well surprise surprise I'm not sure if I did any of these things particularly well. The thing about doing too much is that you end up rushing and feeling dissatisfied because you know it's not your best. Not only that we open ourselves up to danger because we overlook important things like turning our car lights on when driving home from said supermarket... (thanks to the person who flashed me)

Girls we are not superwoman - Jesus never rushed... as I sit here I'm proud to say I'm still in my pajamas.... Me and Jesus are having a waggy day and I really do hope with His help I can be productive and do what needs to be done this week without rushing.

Do you have any tips for time management? Do post a comment I'm sure we'd all be blessed !

Love Ruth x

Monday, February 13, 2012

Worship Ain't Singing...!

Luke 7 v 36-50... Tells us about one of the most profound acts of worship in scripture. A woman of no status no, 'class' desperate to bless Jesus enters the home of a local big wig, a pharisee. Through the shadows and hub bub of discussion she slips in... overcome with gratitude and love for Jesus she begins to weep. She washes His feet with her tears and showers them with kisses. Then she dries them with her undone hair (an unspeakably brazen thing to do in that time akin to showing up in your undies) and anoints them with very expensive perfume.

This act of worship cost this woman so much more than an expensive ointment, it cost her great courage to enter the home risking rejection and further humiliation, which is a lot when you are poor in the purse of dignity. It cost her the scorn of the 'respectable' woman probably preparing food in the kitchen and it cost her alone! You see she was the only one worshiping Jesus that night. There was no flash band, no choir, no songs, no words even - but there was all that was necessary for deep worship - there was a heart undone before Jesus focused on glorifying Him above all.

Beloved I think we have much to learn from the woman with the alabaster box...

love Ruth x

Monday, February 6, 2012

Choice is that really what you want?

We can make some pretty good choices in line with God's manual for life - the bible... and that's a good thing! But sometimes I wonder is having more choice a really a good thing. It takes a lot of time and energy to make considered and good choices, to gather all the information we need... but I wonder if the more choices we're given simply become a distraction to what's really important in life.

My sister is terminally ill and she's being confronted with all sorts of choices she'd really rather not have to make. When we are weary it can be just too much for us to weigh up all the options, evaluate outcomes, consider all the possible side effects etc. and the more choice we have the more overwhelmed we can feel. Life can throw us a curve ball like redundancy, bereavement, injustice or terminal illness and we can feel there is simply too much dust thrown up by the trauma to make a clear decision. So Beloved Child of God I want to encourage you today if you can't see the wood for the trees - God can and He will help you. His word says "Commit your ways to the Lord, trust Him, and He will act" (Psalm 37 v 5). He will act... and He will act in your best interest because He loves you deeply.

Have a good week hugs Ruth x