Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hope slippery when wet...

I don’t know about you but for me hope can be a slippery little sucker… Life is so fluid and so many things can colour our perspective. Part of the slipperiness of hope is down to our human-ness. We’re influenced by upbringing, life experience, chemical activity in our brains and all the rest..! So hope can slip out of our grasp. God's been teaching me this slippery hope is child like and His goal for us is grown up hope. Grown up hope isn't affected by life experience. You see as we all go through life we ‘share reality’ but it is simply one aspect of reality. There's a whole other dimension, of which our consciousness experience both individually and corporately is only a tiny part. Eternal reality which is outside of time is spiritual reality.

When we place our hope in something turning out the way we'd 'hopped' the fulfillment will always be temporary but in the eternal truth of Heaven hope is fixed and certain. The hope that Jesus loves us, is good and has a plan to bring us safely home no matter what dumb things we do in this mortal bit of our reality is fixed and certain...

Honey bun can I encourage you today if you feel hopeless - humble yourself before the Holy Spirit and ask Him to give you a non slip hope that no circumstance can steal away... I can testify to the graciousness of God to me in those times when I felt utterly hopeless but carried on just doing the next right thing God brought good from it. Perhaps on the other side of Heaven we'll understand that victories were won in those moments when despite hopelessness we stayed at our post and refused to let our eternal hope slip...

Love Ruth x

Monday, January 23, 2012

Little By Little

I love that my heavenly Father knows what I can handle. We all have aspects of who we are that are a bit ugly (let's be real here) and these bits have got to go if we're going to get life on the inside of who we are (our spirit). But here's what's great. God takes a lifetime to facilitate this refining process of being changed from glory to glory. If he did it in one moment, it would probably kill us... But no, in His loving wisdom he allows it to happen little by little. A little hurt is forgiven, a little self-indulgence gets denied, a little attitude gets straightened out - until one day he calls us home into His arms of love. Dead to our flesh but totally alive in our spirit. So don't get frustrated if you don't see change happening quickly; quality takes time. And you, Girlfriend, you are quality.

Love, Ruth x