Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big God small problems!

Have you ever felt like the 'stuff' you're going through is just too big, like it's is just too much for any one person to handle? I struggle at times to trust God (let's be real here we all do sometimes) but God is big enough to encompass and deal with my doubt. He's big enough to overlook all the lesser things which charm my soul, He's big enough to wait till my strength runs out and I look to Him. God is bigger than any debt, than any diagnosis, than any injustice or any disappointment. God is bigger than life itself, He's the creator of life... beloved, God is simply bigger. I don't know about you but I need a big God.... When life falls apart I need someone... the one, who can put it back together - Jesus Christ. There's a dear old man at my church called Bert who always says, 'When we have a big God we have small problems'! What's overwhelming you today? Be encouraged... Know God is bigger than what you're facing, He is good, He loves you and is waiting for you to talk to Him about it...

love Ruth x