Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When Hope isn't enough

Disappointment is part of life... There are time we can find our hope of things unseen and all that Jazz a bit battered by life storms. Weariness can set in and it can feel like - actually NO faith of things unseen is simply not enough... As I was grappling through this with the Lord He said "don't worry about the hope thing, I know that damaged in you right now but allow me to give you the remedy for broken hope".

May I share with you God's remedy for crushed dreams and broken hope...? TRUTH - You see truth doesn't leave any room for doubt. Truth pushes all the warped perspective back into it's proper place. Truth reminds you that no matter how hopeless things seem, no matter unjust the circumstance, no matter what the doctor's say we have a God who has overcome the world. We are cherished and chosen, where the world seeks to make you just a number God gives you a face. Where situations are beyond your control God reminds us He is in control of all things. If you're struggling to hope go and get some truth back into your spiritual diet and be encouraged Babe!

Love Ruth x

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big God small problems!

Have you ever felt like the 'stuff' you're going through is just too big, like it's is just too much for any one person to handle? I struggle at times to trust God (let's be real here we all do sometimes) but God is big enough to encompass and deal with my doubt. He's big enough to overlook all the lesser things which charm my soul, He's big enough to wait till my strength runs out and I look to Him. God is bigger than any debt, than any diagnosis, than any injustice or any disappointment. God is bigger than life itself, He's the creator of life... beloved, God is simply bigger. I don't know about you but I need a big God.... When life falls apart I need someone... the one, who can put it back together - Jesus Christ. There's a dear old man at my church called Bert who always says, 'When we have a big God we have small problems'! What's overwhelming you today? Be encouraged... Know God is bigger than what you're facing, He is good, He loves you and is waiting for you to talk to Him about it...

love Ruth x

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

I Think, I Though, I'd Thunk!

It's easy to go along on automatic unaware of 90% of life... Particularity when we're tired... we budget our cognitive resources so that our brains don't explode from all the information they have to process. This makes it easy to miss the obvious! Beloved God wants us to use our noggins and THINK! But how are we to think and what's good to think about? well, it says in...

Phil 4-8 Whatever things are

1. True - honest, genuine, faithful truth
2. Noble - magnanimous, honorable, excellent
3. Just - Fair, reasonable,unbiased, deserved
4. Pure - clear, chaste, clean,untainted
5. Lovely - charming, agreeable pleasing agreeable
6. Good report - worthwhile, recommend, admirable
7. Virtuous - moral, ethical, upright, good
8. Praiseworthy - approved, laudable, acclaimed.

Think on these things...

What do you spend your time thinking about? When I loose my peace I find it really helpful to go back to this verse and speak to my spirit and choose to think about these things, positive things... rather than the stresses and strains which can so easily sap our psychological/emotional/physical and spiritual strength. Read the above again and while you do pray God would make each one real to you in this day.

Love Ruth x

(the above idea was inspired by 'Power of The Praying Woman' by Stormie Omartin)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Release your sweet self!

I got up this morning and had me an ugly! I just felt narky for no very good reason.... nothing had changed in my world all was well but I stank on the inside of who I was.... not good eh? I was actually relieved when the kids went to school and I could get some alone time to thrash things out with God.

As I meditated I realized my thoughts that morning were all pretty negative and I'd allowed na actually enjoyed a few of them. You see, when we allow guff to reside on our inside we very quickly start to stink...which is exactly what satan wants...cause when we're smelly and our minds are filled with junk we're ineffective and depleted in power. I love that the Holy Spirit is so gracious in highlighting such stuff in my world so I don't carry it for too long.PHEW! If you're having an ugly... ask the holy Spirit to help you release you sweet self...because the truth is God made you to be sweet...

2 Cor 2 v 14 Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him".

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Nearness of You!

No matter how life seems God is with you and He loves you so very much... But that can be hard to believe when you don't feel it? I was thinking about the nearness of God the other day and remembered something I studied about perception in psychology.... There's a process involved between unconscious awareness and conscious awareness... I think sometimes God very near but our perception of Him is limited by our humanness.... you see there is a time frame between processing information at an unconscious level until we become fully aware of whatever the external stimuli is. In our humanness we may not realize He is near already... it takes us time to process His presence until we're actually conscious of it...

If you feel God is far away today... be still and know that He is God, He is near, He loves you.... being open to the fact it may just take a wee bit of time for what you know to become what you feel.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Enjoy Yourself ..!

Do you remember that song... I've been struck recently by the amount of stuff I genuinely want to do but don't because I procrastinate... It's easy to get bogged down and wade through the day only to fall into bed at the end of it.(anybody feelin me here?)Beloved God did not create us to eek out an existence to shuffle along and just get through life. He created us to enjoy His creation and each other... so... as the bar man said to the horse why the long face...? Why are so many of us on a treadmill of life doing the same old same old?

When was the last time you peed your pants cause you laughed so hard?

Today is your day you'll never have it back... Choose to build some fun into your world... Ask yourself what's fun for me then do it this week. OR try something new that'll take you out of your comfort zone... you'll be glad you did...

Go on enjoy yourself to the glory of God the devil can't stand it!

Love Ruth x

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The sun is shining the birds are in the trees and all feels right with the world.... Don't you just love the Zippity Do Da days... It's good to enjoy your life did you know that? In fact it's God desire to bless us... One prerequisite to enjoying life is watching what comes out of your mouth (see 1Peter 3:10) a friend shared this little word of wisdom with me recently I hope it blesses... love Ruth x

Watch your thoughts ~ they become your words
Watch your words ~ they become your actions
Watch your actions ~ they become your habits
Watch your habits ~ they become your character
Watch your character ~ it becomes your destiny

Friday, March 12, 2010

You Matter!

Well... here it is, the first blog on the website... gosh what to write... well I guess the cry of my heart is to tell you people matter - you matter. There's a person who cares about you very much and who wants to be involved for good in your life. His name is Jesus and He loves you... just as you are ~ Know this day you are totally loved, you totally matter and He's waiting to show you...

love Ruth x